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Hey everybody!!!!! I do not have very much time today so its going to be a bit short. Ill start with something gross. Our garbage can is outside and mondays are the day we take it out to the big dumpster, but apparently we had grown a large infestation of maggots that zwe fouund had crowled out of the garbage can and into the apartment. There were probably 100-150 of them. Luckily it was our preparation day so we had extra time to clean up. I love it here so much. I work in the eleveur branch in yaonde cameroon. It is a fevela type neighborhhod on a hill that we get to walk up and down all day its pretty fun. I think it is hilqrious what the kids say to me. some will start calling me le blanc, but some think i am asian so they all go chinois except with their accent and childlike speech it sounds like they are making donkey sounds. My trainer is from the DRC and does not speak English so that has been pretty difficult, but I am getting alot better at talking with him. He is a great guy and a great teacher. His name is Elder Kayembe. I live in an apartment with 3 african Elders and 3 american (including myself). We prepare all of or meqls. I have eaten fish and rice, rice and chicken, and just rice for alot of my meals. The Elders here mqde foufou again too and it was really good. We did get to go shopping today and we bought food for 4 qfricqn meqls and 3 American. We get to have BBQ chicken pizza this week and I am very excited for that!

The church here is great. Right now it is too small to be a stake so it is a district full of branches, and in our branch we had such a great time at church. There were probably 20 people there but when we sang the hyms it sounded like 300. The people are so humble, yet so confident. When they sing the spirit is so stong. I love being a missionary. I apologize for any typos I am using a french keyboard and a french spell check, ill get used to it but right now it is q bit difficult. I also cant send pictures this week the computer is acting weird. anyway love you all!!

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